Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sermons: Why The Cross?

Jesus' Cross: Why?

    You can tell just from hearing the Bible passage read, that Jesus knew what was happening, even was somewhat, somehow at peace about it.  But in the Garden of Gethsemane, even Jesus was full of doubt, full of longing that this not happen.  You'll soon see why.

    I did many different kinds of research about what happened to him, and this evening I'd like to share some of what i found with you.  Note that I said Some.  This is not one of those gruesome sermons, intended to scare you into believing in Jesus.  This is not a bloody passion play.

    However, it is reality that Jesus of Nazareth, in Galilee, died this way, and to fully appreciate the contrast between Good Friday and Easter, we have to look at a few details.  He died for us- the least we can do is look at how.

First, let's talk about the 4 kinds of Crosses:

  • Crux Decussata- in the shape of an X... also called St. Andrew's Cross.
  • Crux Comissa-the T shape.  Also called St. Anthony's cross.  The 2 criminals in The Passion used this type of cross.
  • The more modern Greek cross- known for having equal length pieces...
  • Crux Immissa- upright beam projected about crossbeam- most likely the cross Jesus died on, since the Bible tells us they nailed a message above his head.  Dropped into a hole in the ground after being hoisted up.

The Cross Was...

  • Detested by the Jews  because of  Dt. 21:23- cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree
  • The Romans hated it so much, Roman citizens were exempt from it...considered the death of a slave....The death of treason, sedition, desertion, meant to produce shame.
  • If they are nailed on- A stupefying drink was always given to deaden the agony- this would be the vinegar wine they offer- but Jesus refuses it!  In fact, the suffering was so horrible that even among the raging passions of war, pity was sometimes excited in those watching.
  • The Foot support:   along with the way they were attached eventually asphyxiated the person when they could no longer support weight with their legs.  Hands out posture accomplished this.
  • All the swelling produced an unbelievable headache.
  • The blood and water flowing from His side in John suggests a rupture of the heart.
    So, Why crucifixion?  Why did Jesus have to die in such a horrible way?  For that matter, why did Jesus have to die at all?  From all that we see of him, he seems like the best of human beings.  Gentle and wise, loves children...    Healed the sick, the blind, the deaf.  Why would he, of all people, be killed, and especially, in this way?  Let's talk  about that, about why it happened.

B.  Why it happened

  • He was a challenge to the status quo (as we saw on Palm Sunday)
    *His popularity was growing... weekly.

    *He was a fulfillment of prophecy- and people were realizing this...
  • His views of who was lovable challenged deeply held religious beliefs/societal standards about the clean and unclean.

  • He was the rightful ruler:   the greatest fear of any usurper. Is that what the Sanhedrin was?  Did they think that they were something more than God's chosen leaders of the people, God's servants? 

    Jesus  gives us an example of this in his story/parable about how the master of a house will return to find his servants acting unlike their role.

 (Matt. 24:45-51   Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?  It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns.  I tell you the truth, he will put him in charge of all his possessions.
       But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, My master is staying away a long time, and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards.
 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. )

        *But when we think about it, we realize that Jewish leaders aren't alone in this.  Many times in history we see the servants becoming confused, thinking that they are the masters, that they make the rules, not God.    The crusades    ...The Spanish inquisition  ...  Through the church's response to slavery, then civil rights... up through the catholic church's use of Latin only in the mass early in the last century, though none of those attending spoke Latin.  And surely we're not the first generation of the church to think we have no problems, no blind sides.  We're just too close to recognize them yet.

    There's something in our human pride that does not like a challenge to the organization we've set up here on earth... even when that challenge is from our master.  The servants have partied too often while our master was away.

But much more importantly-

  • Jesus was crucified because this was his reason for becoming human, this was the plan from all time.
There are 6 stages of this plan that I'd like us to look at quickly.

  • God is holy.  Completely holy.  And completely just.

  • As such, he cannot tolerate sin.  Not will not, cannot.

  • Sin must be paid for, or in religious language, "atoned" for.  Things must be made equal.  Or God cannot be near us.  Whether by Bull, Lamb, or dove. A Guilt offering. We learn about this aspect of the cross, from an unlikely place:  Isaiah 53:

Isa. 53:5-6   But he was pierced for our transgressions,he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,and by his wounds we are healed.

  We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isa. 53:10-11   Yet it was the Lord's will to crush my righteous servant and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities

Isaiah speaks of our iniquities, our going astray, like sheep.  This speaks to the next point....

  • We cannot live perfect lives.  We are born into sin.  All have sinned 
Rom. 3:22-24:  There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
  •  Paul speaks of Redemption:  saving from slavery.  God saved Israel from slavery too.

  • The only thing that could pay for the horribleness of sin, was the most horrible death  possible, paid  out to a completely innocent human being.

    Perhaps 1or 2 of you are here tonight because I write a little column for the Journal/Opinion newspaper.  Journalists have 6 steps too- not that I ever remember to use them- The classic questions posed when writing an article are called 'the 5 Ws and an H, symbolizing WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? and HOW?  When employed, this way of writing should capture the facts.  Just the facts, Ma'am.

     Who?  Jesus.  What?  Died a death considered shameful, even for criminals  When?  33AD.  About 2000 Years ago.   Why?  For reasons that I've just described to you, he was wounded for our transgressions.  And How?   Innocently, that's how.

    But the most important question of all is not one that journalists often ask.  That's why the songwriter Bruce Cockburn calls the journalistic world "The newsprint nightmare:  a world that never was/ Where the questions are all:" Why? and the answers are all: Because."

    The most important question is, now that you know the answers to these 6 questions, what are you going to do about it?

    I said at the beginning of this sermon that I wasn't going to use the facts of the crucifixion to guilt you or emotionally blackmail you into a relationship with Jesus.  And I won't.  But nevertheless these facts remain.  There was a man from Nazareth, in the Galilee region of Israel.  He claimed to be the one way to heaven.  He lived a saint's life-and more, but died a criminal's shameful  death.  And why?  So that you and I and the pharisees and the Sadducees, and the inquisitors and the crusaders and the Latin-speaking priests could all come before a completely sin hating, completely just God with our heads held high and have a relationship with him.  As I see them, those are the facts.

    And it's not what I'm suggesting for you is like signing up with some crazy cellphone plan where you're locked in.  That's what we're all afraid of with God, isn't it?  That having a relationship with Him, with Jesus, is like joining a cult, and you get hypnotized, you stop being yourself.  That you'd second-guess your choice and then you couldn't get out?

    But that's not the case.  I've been honest with you up to this point, trust me on this too- all you need to do is say, Hello?  Then say, Is someone there ?  And I will guarantee you, you will feel God say, Yes. I've heard it said that for every step you take toward God, he will take 2 steps toward you.

    Will you hear an audible voice?  Probably not.  Will your life drastically improve?  Maybe, maybe not.  That depends how you measure Improvement.  Will you feel euphoria?  Maybe, maybe not.  This is not like signing up for a magazine subscription.  That's why it is called faith, and not business.  The Bible says that faith is 'the belief in things not seen'.    Faith is trusting in that inkling that you feel in your soul that you can't keep quiet.

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